Allu Arjun Arrest: The craze of Allu Arjun’s film Pushpa 2 is going crazy among the fans. The film is released on 5th December and a pre-release show was held the night before that. In which Allu Arjun himself participated. This premiere was held at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad where there was a stampede in the theater to see Allu Arjun. In which one woman lost her life due to suffocation. A case was registered in Chikkadpally PS regarding this incident. Now the police has arrested Allu Arjun in this case.
Allu Arjun will now be interrogated regarding the matter. Allu Arjun and his team had also expressed condolence in this matter. He had met the woman’s family and also promised to help them with Rs 25 lakh.
Allu Arjun had filed a petition
The actor had appealed in the High Court to dismiss the case registered against Allu Arjun in the stampede case. He had filed a petition to quash the FIR written by the police. Allu had said that it is sad that the woman has died in this incident. It is natural to come to the theater on the occasion of the release of a film. He has gone to the theater many times before during the release of a film but such an incident has never happened. He had informed the theater management and ACP even before coming. There is no negligence on his part in this.