Following the order of Telecom Regulator TRAI, Jio, Airtel and VI launched only calling and SMS plans. After these plans came to light, people raised questions on them. People had to say that instead of bringing new plans, companies have reduced benefits from their current plans. After this, companies have revised their plans. Let us know what are the voice and SMS plans of Jio, Airtel and VI now.
Jio, the country’s largest telecom company, has brought two new plans. The first plan is Rs 1,748. Its validity is 336. During the validity of the pack, users will get unlimited free calling and 3,600 SMS. Its daily cost is Rs 5.20. There is no data benefit in it. The company’s second recharge is Rs 448. It provides unlimited calling and 1,000 SMS with 84 days validity.
The country’s second largest telecom company Airtel has also launched two plans. The company is offering unlimited calling and 3,600 SMS in the annual plan of Rs 1,849. Its validity is 365 days. Its daily cost is Rs 5.06. Airtel’s second plan with low validity is Rs 469. It will get calling and 900 SMS for 84 days.
VI, the third largest private telecom company in the country, has also launched two new plans by changing its first only plan. In the first plan, the company is offering calling and 3,600 SMS with a validity of 365 days for Rs 1,849. Its cost is also about 5 rupees. The company’s second plan is Rs 470. It gets 84 days validity. Free unlimited calling and 900 SMS will be available during validity.
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