Abhijeet bhattacharya told many things about RD Burman during his interview. He told that he had to wait for two and a half years to meet Pancham Da i.e. RD Burman. Abhijeet told that he used to go to his house every day and knock on his gate but after seeing him the gate was closed, then after two and a half years a moment came when he saw Abhijeet dedicated towards his desire to meet Pancham da. That gate was opened and that moment was very special for Abhijeet. He told that during the crisis of Pancham da, he did not even like to talk to anyone. During the downfall of Pancham da, his behavior had completely changed. Abhijeet told. That after Pancham da’s death, he took his cook, Manu da, with him and also said that “Now you are not with me, I will be with you”.