Loveyapa Title Track Released: Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan and late actress Sridevi’s daughter Khushi Kapoor are going to be seen romancing on the big screen. Actually, this pair will be seen in the film ‘Loveyapa’ produced by Phantom Studios and AGS Entertainment and directed by Advait Chandan. Since the announcement of this film, there is a lot of excitement among the people about it.
This film is the first theatrical release of Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor. This is the first time that Junaid will be seen in a romantic comedy. Fans are very excited to see the chemistry of this new pair. ‘Loveyapa’ promises to show something new to the audience with a light-hearted and fun story. In such a situation, now the makers have also released the title track of the film, which is ready to become the love anthem of this year.
Title track of ‘Lavyapa’ released
The title track of ‘Loveyapa’ is quite energetic, with peppy beats and lyrics that will appeal to the youth and Gen-Z, the connecting style of the song points towards the film’s huge appeal. It is clear from this that ‘Lavyapa’ will prove to be a hit among the young audience. After the release of this track, the excitement among fans regarding ‘Lavyapa’ has now reached its peak.
When will ‘Lavyapa’ be released?
‘Loveyapa’ is a heart-touching story set in the world of modern romance, adorned with stellar performances, peppy music and beautiful visuals. Celebrating all shades of love, ‘Loveyapa’ promises to connect with audiences of all ages. The film is set to be one of the most exciting cinematic offerings of 2025. Mark the date 7th February 2025 in your calendar, because this magical love story is going to take you on a beautiful journey!
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