Light pain in the uterus can be a common symptom associated with periods. Due to which the stomach and leg cramps are felt. And in such a situation, over-the-counter pain like ibuprofen is taken. Which is a painkiller. Sometimes heating pads are also used to reduce pain. However, if the pain persists, then it can be a serious problem. It can also contain heavy bleeding, fever. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Because such pain can also be caused by endometriosis, uterine fibroids or inflammation in the vulva.
There can be many reasons for pain in the uterus. This is the place in which fetus develops. It produces ovaries egg. Which is attached to the uterus through the Felopian tube. If a woman has disturbances in the uterus, then she has difficulty in having children.
What are the problems in the uterus
1. Inflammation of the uterus
Inflammation of the uterus can be caused by bacterial infection. It often has pain in their stomach, fever or a vaginal discharge. Such problems should not be ignited.
2. Polyps in Utrus
Polyps of women’s uterus is a problem that can occur on the wall of the uterus. In this, periods do not come on time. Abdominal pain often remains, fatigue without any reason or a vaginal discharge problem can occur.
3. Fibroids
It is a disease related to utrus, in which lumps are formed inside or outside the uterus. These are called tumors. This can affect the women’s periods, anemia means anemia. Even infertility may have to bear. Ignoring this problem can be overwhelming.
4. Endometriosis
The lining of the disease associated with utrus is called endometrium. It comes out of the body as bleeding in periods. When endometriosis occurs, the endometrium increases in places where it should not grow. Such as ovary, intestine and pelvic cavity tissue. In this, instead of coming out, the blood starts freezing in the tube itself, due to which there are problems in the pregnancy.
Many studies have found that one in every 10 woman in the world has this problem. This can cause problems like infertility.
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Treatment of problems of uterus
1. Doctors can give antibiotic medicines to treat the uterus or infection of the uterus.
2. The uterine polyps or tumors can be treated with surgery.
3. Doctors can also give them hormonal medicines for such problems in women.
Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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