For some time, Ola and Uber have been accused that these companies charge different fare from users on the basis of phone. Many people on social media claimed that when they book a cab from the iPhone, it shows more fare than Android. The government had sent notice to these companies regarding this. Now Uber has received an answer in this case. Let us know what the whole matter is and what Uber has responded.
Government sent notice
Union Minister Prahlad Joshi posted on X and informed that notices have been issued to Ola and Uber in the case of collecting different fare on the basis of different models of mobile phones and they have been sought answers. Joshi had also said that it was inappropriate to rent separate fare last month and said that it is neglect of consumer rights. In fact, social media, many people shared the incident and told that Uber takes different money on iPhone and Android for the same ride. One user wrote that pickup points, destination and time are the same, but 2 types of fare are visible on 2 different phones.
Same Pickup Point, Destination & Time but 2 different phones get 2 different rates. It happy with me as I always get higher rates on my uber as compared to my Daughter’s phone. So most of the time, I request her to book my uber. Does this happy with you also? What is the hack?
– Sudhir (@seriousfunnyguy) December 23, 2024
Uber denied allegations
After receiving the notice, Uber has denied these allegations. The company spokesperson said that the fare is not set by looking at the company’s phone company. He said that the company will try to remove this misconception with the government. Explain that the company has written on its website that it determines the fare based on the approximate distance and time of the trip. These estimates can change due to factors such as demand pattern and traffic.
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