Delhi Pollution : Nano particles are entering the lungs of Delhi residents, which is very scary. A study has revealed that the pollutant nano particles present in the Air Quality Index (AQI) are reaching the blood through the lungs and affecting every organ. Experts say that the level of PM 2.5 in Delhi-NCR has reached many times more than the standard from November to January.
The level of pollutant nano particles in these has increased significantly. Even N95 masks don’t stop them. These are so dangerous that they can badly affect the health of children and adults alike. Let us know how dangerous is it for nano particles to reach the lungs…
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what are nano particles
Nanoparticles, which are 500 times smaller than our hair, can cause serious danger if they reach the lungs and other organs of the body. These are so small that they can reach the brain through blood and affect its efficiency. They have dissolved in the air of Delhi and are reaching inside the body through them. People living on roadsides, traffic police and street vendors are most at risk from these.
What does the report say?
Physical Research Laboratory of Ahmedabad and Delhi Technological University jointly conducted a study. It was found that the presence and effect of airborne nanoparticles (PM1 or smaller particles) on the respiratory system of pedestrians in Delhi was investigated. This study has shown that the concentration of these particles on the roadside is 30% more than in areas away from traffic. People living in Delhi are coming in contact with about 10-18 million nanoparticles every day while walking on the road, which is dangerous for their health.
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How dangerous is it for nano particles to enter the lungs?
1. Bad effect on children’s health
Experts of the Pulmonary Department associated with Lung Care Foundation found in a research that nano particles can cause many serious dangers after reaching the body. These nano-particles pass directly through the lungs and get deposited in the blood arteries and increase the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes in children and adults. These particles reach the pancreas and do not allow insulin to be released, due to which the blood sugar level increases.
2. Danger to heart and mind
Experts say that nano-particles reaching the body through pollution are having serious effects not only on the heart and brain but also on other body parts. These are more dangerous during cold days. Due to these, many dangerous diseases can occur like heart attack, brain stroke, lung cancer, lung allergy, asthma, COPD, TB, obesity, paralysis, pneumonia in children and cancer in children.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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