Mobile And Cancer : Mobile phone is not only ruining your sleep, it is also having a bad effect on your body and mind. Many people even claim that using a smartphone can cause brain cancer. However, a WHO report has denied this.
In its report, the World Health Organization said that mobile phones do not cause brain cancer. After reviewing two decades old reports, WHO has not found any connection between smartphones and brain cancer.
What does the WHO report do?
This study, led by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Security Agency, reviewed more than 5,000 studies on mobile phones and their side effects.
The final analysis included 63 studies of the side effects of mobile phones on humans between 1994 and 2022. Professor Ken Karipidis, who was involved in this research, said that after investigation at many levels, it was found that there is no evidence of mobile phones causing brain cancer.
Can phone radiation cause brain cancer?
In this study, the focus was on brain, meninges, pituitary gland and ear cancer, salivary gland tumor and brain tumor in people who use mobile phones for a long time. Professor Karipidis said that we keep the phone near our head while making a call, so there is a concern that the radiation emitted from it can cause brain cancer, about which alerts were given in earlier studies. Experts say that we cannot be completely sure from this study, so excessive use of mobile phone should be avoided, because there are many other types of dangers from it.
Side Effects of Smartphone Radiation
1. Smartphone radiation is disturbing sleep, which can give rise to many problems.
2. Mobile phone radiation causes metabolic changes, which can cause serious diseases.
3. Radiation emitted from mobile can affect sperm quality, this can affect fertility.
4. Continuously talking on the phone can cause headaches and dizziness
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