RBI: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had announced the discontinuation of the 2000 Rupees note in May 2023, about 15 months ago. But, even after lakhs of efforts, all the 2000 rupee notes have not been able to come back to the RBI. According to the Reserve Bank, 2000 rupee notes worth Rs 3.56 lakh crore were in circulation in May 2023. Out of these, banknotes worth about Rs 7261 crore have still not returned. However, this figure is decreasing every month. By the end of July, banknotes worth Rs 7409 crore were in the market. RBI is still providing the facility to change these banknotes. Let us understand what you have to do now.
RBI released the status of withdrawal of 2000 rupee notes
RBI has released the status of return of Rs 2000 notes on Monday. This shows that 97.96 percent of the notes have been returned so far. In May 2023, while withdrawing the Rs 2,000 note, RBI had announced that they are being removed from the system under the Clean Note Policy. RBI said that the facility of depositing or exchanging Rs 2000 bank notes was available in all bank branches of the country till October 07, 2023. Now from May 19, 2023, these notes can be exchanged from 19 Issue Offices of the Reserve Bank (RBI Issue Offices). You can go to any of these offices without any hesitation and exchange your Rs 2000 notes.
Apart from depositing notes in RBI office, notes are also coming from post offices
The Reserve Bank said that individuals or institutions are being given the facility to deposit money in exchange for these notes in their bank accounts. Apart from this, people are sending 2000 notes to RBI through India Post from any post office in the country. These are being credited to their bank accounts. After taking the decision to ban 2000 notes, now only 2.04 percent of bank notes are left to be returned. RBI said that Rs 2000 remains a legal tender.
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